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Writer's picturemedwinequas

Womens Sacred Spot Massage

Updated: Aug 2, 2021

The sacred spot is a sensitive area located in the upper wall of the vagina. The psychological research team of Addiego, Belzer, Comolli, Moger, Perry and Whipple named this area after Dr. Ernst Grafenberg, who wrote about it in 1950. It was known and written about in both ancient India and China.

The spot does not lie on the vaginal wall itself, but can be felt through it. It is usually about halfway between the back of the pubic bone and the cervix and feels like a small lump that swells as it is stimulated. When it is first touched many women report that it feels like they need to urinate, even if the bladder has just been emptied. However, within 60-90 seconds of massage, this initial reaction is replaced in some women by a strong and distinctive feeling of sexual pleasure.

Some women report an orgasm from stimulation of this area and some also report an expulsion of fluid from the urethra when they experience this type of orgasm. The fluid expelled is clear and the ancient Tantricas called it “Amrita”, which means divine nectar. Amrita nurtures and energizes both the man and woman, creates harmony in the entire family and is said to nurture and heal the Earth Mother herself.

“Samrita”, “Squirting” or Female Ejaculation is one of the female blessings associated with G-Spot. Considered the “sweet nectar” in Tantric philosophy it arises when activating the “Kundalini” in the ascending spine base, passes and purifies the 7 chakras from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

An intense energetic process that provides not only strong states of pleasure located in yoni but full-body orgasms and finally Amrita’s beautiful and extraordinary experience (ejaculation).

In the tantric knowledge of this rite, this experience happens when the twin serpents (symbols of the Kundalini energy) ascend along the spine and face each other, aiming, right in the center of our brain, around the pineal gland, in a perfect non-dual union.

As some of you have already felt the physical experience happens with the release of the voice as soon as the energy rises into the Vishuda (throat).

The Sacred Spot is a specific point in the yoni that is stimulated and can often lead to an experience of oneness and healing. Mistakenly labelled the G-Spot it is more of an acupressure point that can feel exquisitely pleasurable. Stimulating the sacred spot leads to the pelvic nerve being activated.

If there is simultaneous touch on the clitoris or internally on the roots of the clitoris, then the pudendal nerve is activated, which can be 8,000 nerve endings in itself. Orgasmic Meditation is a practise that I have done for over 5 years focuses on the stroking the clitoris. Furthermore, stimulating the base chakra, or the nerve endings around the rim, connects to the hypo-gastric nerve.

Combining simultaneous touch to all of these regions leads to a huge influx of stimulation and pleasure, which also connect neural pathways in the brain. which can mean a person experieces

far more pleasure and sensation in their lives.

The three ailments for the core of body work and Sacred Massage are to loosen sediments, release knots and untangle tangles.

Sediments are caused due to emotional and physical toxins that are crystalized acids in capillaries. Loosening sediments pulsating blood flow through the Yoni and other sexual organs distributing oxygen and other hormones activating health, sensuality and pleasure.

Knots in turn are surface blockages and lumps of internal tissue structure that are knotted due to stress, anger, fear, shame and other negative emotions. These knots can cause aches and pains in other body parts tending to shut down the Yoni. Knots in the superficial fasciae, lymphatic system, small nerves and capillaries can cause muscle contractions in the thighs, lower back, shoulders, neck and back.

Tangles happen at a deeper level entangling larger structures requiring deeper pressure to dissolve such as lymph nodes, tendons, larger vessels, muscles, sexual organ; also bigger structure such as fatty tissues.

For decades, men’s and women’s sexual responses were thought{and taught} to be very different: men ejaculate, women don’t; women have multiple orgasms, men don’t. So, if a man is making love to a woman and all of a sudden, there is a big gush of liquid, she was often chastised for peeing the bed. Men were turned off to this ejaculate because of its association with urine, and women were conditioned to suppressed their natural ability to ejaculate because of this attitude.

Women need encouragement to ejaculate, and that means an attitude adjustment about our body’s fluids. The prevailing attitude we learned is sweat, urine and semen are dirty and unhealthy, also Christiean religion has taught that women’s sexuality is unclean and unnatural .

Body fluids are natural and even provocative. The body is an incredible biochemical organism and its beautiful physical form is venerated in art. It’s fluids, by extension, are beautiful and healthful, too. The ancient, eastern spiritual religion of Tantra views women’s bodies as temples. In fact, female ejaculate is considered a prize health tonic when rubbed into the body or drunk, invigorating and uplifting her male partner.

People’s reactions to Tantra have been as telling and fascinating as the course itself. Some are intrigued, many find it weird or distasteful, and others are not in the mood–too busy, too tired–things are fine the way they are, thank you. What people are up against, it seems, is 2,000 years of fear and loathing of female sexuality, and the primal anxiety–in women as well as men–that if Pandora gives in to her impulses and opens the box, dark furies will be set loose. Transcendent sex requires one to surrender control, to abandon all devices for protection, to shed one’s carapace, and sometimes it’s more comfortable to keep the carapace in place.


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