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Meanings of the Medicine Wheel

Individuals may experience a sense of attraction towards a particular direction based on the correlation between their inherent abilities and the characteristics associated with said direction. It is advisable not to self-identify solely with a particular orientation, as individuals often transition between various orientations over time. In order to achieve personal completeness, it is recommended to reside in a central location and maintain a perspective that encompasses all directions. Certain teachings refer to the North-South axis as the Red Road of Life, while the East-West orientation is known as the Blue Road of Spirit. According to traditional beliefs, individuals who have completed their journey on Earth are believed to shed their physical form and embark on a spiritual journey along the Trail of the Ancestor Spirits, traveling from the North to the East.

Mitakuye oyasin ~ ( we are all related to everything that exists )

Many natural phenomena exhibit cyclical patterns, including but not limited to life, wind, Earth, moon, stars, drumming, and dance. There are valuable lessons to be found in all aspects of creation. By actively seeking out these lessons, one can be guided towards personal growth and development. It is believed that all things possess a spiritual essence and have been brought into existence with a specific intention. Each entity possesses a unique voice and energy, and it is possible for anyone to acquire the skill of communicating with all forms of life.

The Sacred Hoop is an alternative name for the Medicine Wheel. This symbol holds significant representation of the Earth and Universe, with a rich history of power and antiquity. Medicine Wheels are constructed in locations where the Earth retains the memory of ceremonial activities. The Wheel is a tool that facilitates attunement to Earth Spirit influences and forces on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. It teaches the interconnectedness and relatedness of all individuals within the same family.

The Medicine Wheel serves as a tacit instructor, leading us through a series of lessons that are essential to traverse in order to successfully navigate our journey through life. The teaching posits that there exist four internal facets that require equitable cultivation and equilibrium. The Wheel is a revered location that facilitates the acquisition of knowledge. It serves as a platform for the examination and comprehension of addictions, abuse, obsessions, and compulsive behaviors as valuable life lessons. This practice can facilitate the identification of latent talents and areas for personal growth, illuminating the potential that could be realized through their cultivation. It has the potential to facilitate comprehension and insight, as well as provide an assessment of our areas of proficiency and areas requiring improvement. The primary determinant is the willingness of the participants to make contact.

The individuals are presented with Universal truths. Individuals may perceive distinct facets of the Medicine Wheel that resonate with them on a personal level. Each person who examines the Wheel will encounter a unique personal interpretation. There are various perspectives to consider when examining these reflected truths. /*

Individuals may experience a sense of attraction towards a particular direction based on the correlation between their inherent abilities and the characteristics associated with said direction. It is advisable not to self-identify solely with a particular orientation, as individuals often transition between various orientations over time. In order to achieve personal completeness, it is recommended to reside in a central location and maintain a perspective that encompasses all directions. Certain teachings refer to the North-South axis as the Red Road of Life, while the East-West orientation is known as the Blue Road of Spirit. According to traditional beliefs, individuals who have completed their journey on Earth are believed to shed their physical form and embark on a spiritual journey along the Trail of the Ancestor Spirits, travelling from the North to the East.

Access the Golden Door located at the East, which serves as the gateway to all other levels of consciousness.

Three distinct examples of the Spirit Keepers, as per various tribes, include their representation in totems. For instance, in the North, the Spirit Keeper is symbolized by the Bear, while in the East, it is represented by the Turtle. Similarly, in the South, the Spirit Keeper is depicted by the Eagle, and in the West, it is embodied by the Thunder spirit.

A pared-down iteration of the Medicine Wheel features the outer circumference symbolizing the council fires, chiefs, clan mothers, and elders. The circle encompasses the families and clans coexisting harmoniously. The beads located at the center of the cross symbolize the four cardinal directions and the positive outcomes associated with each. The three feathers suspended serve as a reminder of the intrinsic components of human existence, namely the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects.

The Medicine Wheel in its expanded form comprises 36 stones, each representing distinct sacred symbols that hold varying significance. It is evident that various countries will utilize distinct center and animals, among other things. The center symbolizes the ultimate source of existence, commonly referred to as The One True Source, the Creator, or Great Spirit. It is regarded as the focal point of all life. The representation of this concept can take the form of a stone or be intentionally left vacant as a symbolic gesture of the Great Void, which is widely recognized as the origin of all existence.

Frequently, a buffalo skull is utilized due to its significance as a creature that provided all the necessities for survival.

The seven stones encircling the central point symbolize the Universe, encompassing fundamental aspects such as life, matter, time, energy, motion, dimension, and spirit. Additionally, these symbols are representative of various aspects of nature and spirituality, including the Earth Mother, Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, Turtle Clan (earth), Frog Clan (water), Thunderbird Clan (fire), and Butterfly Clan (air).

The four paths leading to the centre are considered spirit paths, symbolizing the virtues of everyday life that guide us towards the sanctified realm of The One True Source. The three stones located in the Northern region are associated with the virtues of cleansing, renewal, and purity. These stones collectively comprise the Path of Wisdom and Knowledge. The Eastern virtues consist of clarity, wisdom, and illumination, and comprise the Path of Enlightenment. The three values in the Southern path are trust, growth, and love, which collectively form the Path of Life and Growth. The three elements in the Western tradition are Experience, Introspection, and Strength. These elements collectively form the Path of Introspection and Transformation.

The directional stones symbolize the Spirit Keepers who oversee the four seasons, the potency of the four directions, the four sacred elements, and the four sacred medicines. The circular arrangement of stones situated amidst the directional stones signifies the various full moons occurring throughout the year. The months of January, February, and March are generally considered to fall between the North and East. The months of April, May, and June are situated in the eastern and southern regions. The months of July, August, and September are situated in a south to west direction. The months of October, November, and December are situated in a northward direction from the west.

The Cree people refer to the lunar cycles as follows:

During the month of January, it is not uncommon for trees to burst due to the freezing of their sap. This phenomenon is often referred to as "exploding trees" and is associated with the frosty conditions of winter. Additionally, the moon may play a role in this occurrence. This produces noises that resemble gunshots during chilly winter evenings.

In the month of February, during The Great Moon, the weather conditions are at their most severe, characterized by extreme cold and still winds. These conditions make hunting a challenging activity.

March is commonly referred to as The Eagle Moon, as it is the time of year when eagles typically return to their habitats.

April is commonly referred to as the Goose Moon, as it is the time of year when geese typically migrate back to their breeding grounds.

May is commonly referred to as the Frog Moon, as it is the time of year when frogs typically emerge from hibernation.

June is commonly referred to as "The Egg Laying Moon" as it is the time of year when many bird species lay their eggs.

In the month of July, commonly referred to as the Moulting Moon, young birds undergo the process of acquiring new feathers.

August, also known as the Flying Up Moon, is the time of year when juvenile birds are honing their flying skills and gaining experience in the air.

In September, also known as the Mating Moon, the moose and deer enter their breeding season.

October is commonly referred to as the Migrating Moon, as it is the time of year when many bird species embark on their annual migration.

In November, also known as the Freeze Up Moon, the process of lakes freezing over typically begins.

December, also known as the Frost Moon, is characterized by low temperatures and frosty weather conditions.

The Ojibwe refer to the lunar cycles as moons.

January is also known as the Spirit Moon or Wolf Moon.

The initial lunar phase of the Creation is commonly referred to as the Spirit Moon, which is believed to be embodied by the Northern Lights. This is a moment to acknowledge the importance of stillness and recognize our position among all living beings in the vastness of the universe.

February is represented by the Snow Moon or Bear Moon.

The second lunar cycle of the Creation calendar is referred to as Bear Moon, during which we pay homage to the vision quest that was initiated during the autumn season. During this period, we explore methods to perceive beyond the confines of reality and establish communication through energy as opposed to sound.

The third month of the year is commonly referred to as March. It is known to be associated with the Sugar Moon and Worm Moon.

The third celestial body within the context of Creation is commonly referred to as Sugar Moon. As the maple sap commences its flow, we discover one of the primary remedies administered to the Anishnabe community, which aids in stabilizing our blood and promoting healing. During this period, it is recommended that we strive to maintain a balance in our lives akin to that of our blood sugar levels, by adhering to Divine Law.

In the Gregorian calendar, the fourth month of the year is April. During this month, the full moon is commonly referred to as the Pink Moon or Sucker Moon.

During the fourth moon of Creation, known as Sucker Moon, it is believed that individuals journey to the Spirit World to acquire purification methods for use in this world. Upon its return to this realm, it facilitates a purification process for the Spirits and effectively cleanses all aquatic life forms. During this period, we have the opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to become proficient healers.

The fifth month of the year is commonly referred to as May, and it is also known as the Flower Moon.

In the context of Creation, the fifth moon is referred to as Flower Moon, during which the inherent spiritual qualities of all plants are prominently showcased for public observation. This vitalizing energy is considered to be one of the most potent therapeutic remedies available on the planet. During this lunar phase, it is recommended that we delve into our spiritual essence.

The month of June is associated with the Strawberry Moon.

The astronomical body designated as the sixth moon of Creation is commonly referred to as the Strawberry Moon. According to traditional beliefs, strawberries are believed to possess medicinal properties that promote reconciliation. Traditionally, communities would hold their annual feasts during this lunar cycle, extending a warm welcome to all individuals, irrespective of any differences or conflicts that may have arisen over the past year. This was a time to release any feelings of judgment or self-righteousness.

The seventh month of the year is July, which is commonly associated with the Raspberry Moon or Buck Moon.

According to the Creation calendar, the seventh moon is known as Raspberry Moon and marks the onset of significant transformations. By acquiring the virtues of gentleness and kindness, we can navigate the challenges of life and reap the benefits of knowledge that can aid us in nurturing our families.

The month of August is associated with two full moon names, namely Thimbleberry/Strawberry Moon and Sturgeon Moon, where 8 represents the month.

During the eighth moon of Creation, it is customary to pay tribute to the Thimbleberry, a plant that yields a copious amount of fruit every three years. This plant is believed to have been among the earliest to be present on Earth, and its primary function is to safeguard the Sacred Circle of Life by enabling us to comprehend and appreciate the lessons imparted by the Spirit World.

The Corn Moon is the full moon that occurs in September, which is the ninth month of the year.

The ninth celestial body in the sequence of lunar phases is commonly referred to as the Corn Moon. This period is traditionally associated with the acquisition of knowledge pertaining to the natural cycle of existence. Each ear of corn features thirteen rows of multicoloured kernels that symbolize the various spirits eagerly awaiting to embark on their journey on Earth. We must prepare for the future generations that are to come.

The month of October is commonly referred to as the Falling Leaves Moon or the Hunters Moon.

During the Falling Leaves Moon, which is the tenth moon of Creation, there is a tradition of paying homage to Mother Earth through the celebration of the vibrant colours that adorn her. As various entities present their offerings to her, we gain consciousness of the wonders of Creation surrounding us, and our spiritual vitality is rekindled.

The eleventh month of the year is November, which is associated with the Freezing Moon and Blue Moon.

During the eleventh lunar cycle of the year, known as the Freezing Moon, the Star Nation is in its closest proximity to our planet. As the approaching period of fasting draws near, it is imperative that we ready ourselves for our spiritual journey by acquiring knowledge of the sacred teachings and songs that will serve as our sustenance.

The twelfth month of the year is December, also known as the Little Spirit Moon or Beaver Moon.

The twelfth lunar cycle of the Creation calendar is referred to as the Little Spirit Moon, which is traditionally recognized as a period of recuperation and restoration. Through the attainment of spiritual vision and physical wellness, we can traverse the Red Road with utmost sincerity and propagate this positive energy to our loved ones, thereby benefiting the entire community.

The 13th lunar cycle is commonly referred to as the Big Spirit Moon, Cold Moon, or Blue Moon.

The thirteenth lunar cycle in the Creation calendar is referred to as the Big Spirit Moon. The objective of this process is to cleanse and restore individuals, as well as the entirety of Creation. This undertaking may require a spiritual expedition lasting up to three months. During this period, we are instructed on the therapeutic potential of the cosmos and undergo a personal transformation towards our own perception of reality.

The four cardinal directions.


The commencement of a new day is observed at this location. This location serves as the setting for one's formative years and the starting point for all future endeavours. The current season is spring, characterized by the presence of air and earth elements, as well as male energy. The fauna commonly linked with the Eastern region are the eagle, mouse, and snake. The designated colours are gold and yellow. In the eastern region, individuals acquire knowledge regarding the qualities of a warm spirit, purity, trustworthiness, hopefulness, and the embracing of others for their authentic selves. This text describes a concept that pertains to the subject of love.

The individual in question refrains from challenging others and lacks self-awareness. The concept instructs individuals to have faith in their personal perspective and the ability to have confidence in intangible elements. This teaches the concepts of renewal, innocence, joy, spontaneity, and the love of a child. The Eastern region possesses the qualities of eloquence and clarity in communication, effective guidance and leadership, bravery, honesty, and perseverance. The subject matter covers teachings on the topics of healing, transmutation of poison, energy exchange, vulnerability, and healing techniques. The aforementioned concepts aid in comprehending and attaining spiritual enlightenment, prayerful practices, and the process of reincarnation. The activity fosters the development of creativity, communication skills, and resilience. It provides us with the comprehension required to navigate intricate scenarios. and now, allowing us to be more present and mindful in our daily lives.

Currently, in order to be completely present and fully engaged with the task at hand, I will proceed.

Examining the broader perspective is also beneficial in promoting contentment and optimal health. This ability enables individuals to effectively monitor and safeguard the welfare of others by integrating observation, altruistic intentions, and appropriate action. It instills the value of dedicating oneself to serving others and the community.

Maintaining a positive outlook for individuals. The lesson conveyed is that possessing a great spirit and demonstrating humility are two complementary aspects of a single reality. The text provides guidance on how to relinquish previous habits.


The southern region is often associated with warmth, hospitality, and generosity. This signifies a period to make arrangements for the upcoming autumn and winter seasons, as well as for the long-term future. This is the location where rigorous physical tests are conducted. This location is typically associated with the summer season. The hues commonly attributed to the Southern region are green and red.

The fauna and flora commonly associated with the Southern region include the cougar, mouse, coyote, porcupine, and the red willow tree. This pertains to the elemental attributes of either fire or air.

In the southern region, there is a cultural association with attributes such as vitality, youthfulness, and robust physical capabilities. This program instructs on the management of appetites, purification, and the harmonious development of the physical body. The material imparts the value of empathy towards the emotions of others, the affection that one individual can have for another, and the importance of being deeply engaged with the world. The text pertains to emotional idealism, compassion, and kindness, as well as the cultivation of refined, controlled, and developed feelings.

The concept being conveyed is that of promoting open expression of emotions while being mindful of others' feelings, as well as cultivating a positive emotional connection to good and negative reaction to bad, such as feeling repulsed by senseless violence and experiencing anger towards injustice. The concept being conveyed is that of possessing strong emotions and the capacity to prioritize the needs of others by setting aside personal feelings. The text emphasizes the importance of striking a balance between humour and sadness, and highlights the significance of trust in dismantling the facade we present to others and embracing our true selves. It bestows the benefits of music, elegance in motion, and a reverence for the arts. This program focuses on sensory training, specifically targeting the development of discrimination skills in the areas of hearing, taste, and sight. This activity fosters the development of determination, goal-setting skills, and the rekindling of one's inner child energy, promoting a sense of playfulness. This facilitates the process of surmounting challenges, fostering self-reliance, promoting social engagement, promoting revival, cultivating allegiance, and nurturing virtuous aspirations.


The Western region is recognized as a location where individuals are challenged to demonstrate perseverance and attain maturity. The origin of thunder and lightning is attributed to the Thunder beings. The origin of darkness is the source of this phenomenon. The colour associated with this item is black.

The western region is often associated with the exploration of the unknown and introspection to tap into one's inner source of power and resilience. This location is characterized by acts of sacrifice, where something is given in exchange for something else, as well as a period of harvesting. This item embodies the feminine energy of the black bear and turtle, in addition to the natural elements of rain and water.

In Western culture, there is a focus on cultivating spiritual awareness through practices such as meditation, prayer, ceremonies, and vision quests. These practices are believed to facilitate inner spiritual renewal and growth. Additionally, there is an emphasis on exploring the realm of dreams as a means of deepening one's spiritual understanding. It provides the individual with the fortitude to delve inward and confront the contents of the heart's obscure cavern through introspection, meditation, and stillness. By exploring the depths of your inner self, it is possible to directly experience the connection between the human spirit and the universe and its creator. It is advisable to engage in solitary communion with the Creator during the early hours of the morning and prior to retiring for the night. This practice entails the observance of fasting, participation in ceremonial activities, attainment of lucid self-awareness, and cultivation of introspective contemplation. The subject matter pertains to the consolidation and management of personal power. The statement highlights a dedication to personal growth and acceptance of oneself, both physically and spiritually. It also emphasizes the importance of universal life values, a strong moral code, and a desire to assist others in their spiritual development. The statement pertains to the symbolic ability to provide healing, protection, defence, as well as perception and knowledge. The teachings emphasize the importance of demonstrating respect towards elders, acknowledging the spiritual challenges faced by others, and showing consideration for their beliefs. This practice instills the virtues of humility and reverence for the divine.

The program facilitates the development of physical skills through activities such as dance and sports, while also fostering imagination, creativity, and goal-setting through engagement in the arts.


The northern region is commonly associated with winter and is recognized as a repository of knowledge and wisdom passed down from the elders and the Old Ones. The symbols associated with it comprise of the revered mountain, sanctified lake, crystals, moose, snowy owl, and white buffalo. The hue of the subject in question is white, and its constituent elements are either earth or fire.

The attributes associated with the Northern region encompass cognitive abilities such as critical thinking, speculation, prediction, discrimination, imagination, synthesis, problem-solving, analysis, comprehension, calculation, organization, critical evaluation, retention, attentive listening, and interpretation of concealed information.

meanings. Everyone has the potential to acquire them, albeit through distinct approaches unique to each individual. This concept entails the amalgamation of cognitive faculties and psychological dispositions, resulting in liberation through the acquisition of knowledge and sagacity. The text conveys the message of concluding tasks and achieving satisfaction, while emphasizing the importance of relinquishing negative emotions such as animosity, envy, longing, fury, and apprehension. The concept being conveyed is that through detachment and gaining a new perspective, one can achieve balance and embrace all aspects of life. The course instructs on the concept of justice, emphasizing the importance of perceiving reality accurately and comprehending the interconnectedness of all things. This practice involves utilizing prayer and drawing upon internal resources to develop conscious insight and empathic intuition. The subject matter pertains to the concepts of moderation, strength, endurance, gratitude, teaching, abundance, and gentleness. The lessons can be challenging to endure at times. more challenging it becomes.

The more challenging a situation becomes, the more resilient we become as individuals.


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