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 Frequently Asked Questions About Tantra

“What is Tantra?”


Tantra is an ancient esoteric science of transformation, leading to self-realization and enlightenment. The Tantras are ancient Indic scriptures detailing the philosophy and practice of that science. Parallels exist in China in the practical and philosophical Taoist traditions, in Greece in the Western Mysteries, and in various shamanic traditions the world over.


Is tantra a religion?


No. Tantra itself is not a religion, though its seven-plus millennia-old worldview has informed Judaism, Catholicism, Gnostic Christianity, Bon, Buddhism, and of course, Hinduism.

The Sanskrit word Tantra translates roughly to “web” or “loom,” and refers to the inter-connectedness of all matter, energy, and consciousness, predating similar views in western science (most notably in quantum physics and astronomy) by many thousands of years.


What does Namaste mean?


This Sanskrit word, Namaste, is a manner of greeting used by many Hindus, Taoists, and Buddhists as a form of reverence to those we greet. Commonly written “Namaste”, it is pronounced as “Namastay”. It translates as “The divine in me recognizes and honours the divine in you” or literally, “I bow to you”. The hands are brought together in a prayer position over the heart, and the head bows in greeting.

What is a Dakini or a Tantrika?


A simplified answer is that a Dakini is someone who aligns with the Tibetan Buddhist path and works with people
for the sake of their liberation (for example freedom from self-limiting beliefs, from denial of our shadow, from denial of our strength).

A Tantrika aligns with Tantrik spiritual paths which may be based in Hinduism, Taoism or Buddhism, and focuses on bringing integration and balance (for example by encouraging the acceptance of all aspects of ourselves, material/spiritual, masculine/feminine, dark/light) in order to bring one into union with the Divine.


Are you A Yogini, Tantrika, Dakini or Shaman?


I resist referring to myself as any of the above even though I have studied and hold "qualifications" that could align with their core practices. I have never been an aspirant devoted to a Guru, nor have I spent years learning scripture under the guidance of such a Guru. I am a western woman and have lived through my life's experiences growing in wisdom whilst simultaneously following my intuition and delving into the above wisdom traditions and other personal development models, holistic therapies and spiritual traditions. In this way, I have moved from
a position of dis-empowerment to one of empowerment and so my chosen term for my work is Medicine Woman


What Is Tantra Massage?

A Tantric/ Kundalini Massage is an ancient healing art form that uses intimate touching, affection and sensual energy to awaken the body's energy field and achieve a higher state of consciousness. Using my Shakti power, and body energy, I will create a massage that will awaken your sleeping Kundalini- the mythical energy that rests at the base of your spine-and spread it along the spine so you can completely let go, unwind, relax and truly surrender to pleasure beyond comprehension. By and awakening the body's energy centers or Chakras, this massage aims to arouse the dormant Kundalini from it's resting state using relaxation techniques, followed by a very relaxing and healing massage.


What a Tantra Massage Isn’t

A Tantra Massage is not sex. It is strictly a sensual massage without any sexual activities. If a Dakini offers “extras”, and has abbreviations in her ad, or nude photos, she is not a true Tantra Practitioner. Unfortunately, Tantra has been exploited and hijacked by escorts and prostitutes so that they can advertise in a way to disguise themselves and keep them under the radar. A real Tantra Massage will focus on the energy, breathing, and massage which stir up the sensual energy from within and bring it out. It will be very intense and the most fulfilling experience that you have ever experienced before.

What to expect from a session?


by email or text response, in addition to our meeting, will ensure that your expectations are clear.  You will have an experience that perhaps, you have not had in the past, that is relaxing, rejuvenating, sensual, and pleasurable. 

My sessions are completely focused on you and your journey.

My sessions are not a massage with a rushed rub-down or a happy ending. 

They are not a mutual experience or escort service and I do not offer any extras or sexual favors.  Please do not request any I do NOT offer any form of intercourse, oral sex, or kissing Ido not allow touching of our vagina or anus. 

If we have established a mutual trust, I may invite you to respectfully and within my boundaries touch me (no genital contact or exchange of fluids) for the intention of the session, respecting the energy and sacredness of the work that we are doing together. There is no kissing.

Do I have to take my clothes off?

No. The sessions are client-led and I work to your level of comfort. We offer both clothes-on and clothes-off sessions


What if I feel uncomfortable?

Respecting your limits, boundaries, and choices is a fundamental value of my practice. I believe that you are the best expert on your own body and ensuring your comfort, safety, and trust is always my primary concern. If you feel uncomfortable in any way,  I encourage you to let me know so I can make adjustments. You always have the right to stop a session at any time and for any reason. 

Are your services confidential?


Yes absolutely. I respect your privacy completely. I will not share detailed information about you with anyone other than your GP if necessary. All communications and files are stored securely.


What’s your availability?


I am available from 10 am-9 pm  Tuesday to Sunday  Same-day appointments are sometimes possible. Advanced notice is advised for all appointments since my schedule fills up quickly. Don’t be surprised if you call and I am booked for the next couple of days! But you’re welcome to try…

Cancellation Policy

Cancelling your session requires at least 4-24 HOURS' notice.

NO SHOWS are not tolerated, and will no longer be accepted as a client

Don’t touch without permission

It’s very important to respect and honour my boundaries. Do not launch into a feel-for-all. Be especially mindful of my limits. I know that other providers may offer extra but don’t just automatically expect it. It’s not part of an FBSM. If that’s what you are looking for, you are better served to go to an escort. Then you are guaranteed to get what you want without question.

Will we both be naked? Can I touch you?

The answers to these questions fall under the soft boundary category, by which  means boundaries that can move at the moment Yes! Many people enjoy touching during a massage, as it enhances the feeling of intimacy. You are free to touch our arms, back, legs and shoulders. YUMMY!.   The session is co-created depending on how we each feel in one another's company, how the energy dances between and through us, our needs and desires and always in the safety of respectful consent.   We do NOT offer any form of intercourse, oral sex or kissing. .  We accept a light mutual touch but do not allow to be touched on our vagina or anus. We will not accept anything invasive/aggressive. We are happy to receive a light mutual touch and can often find it re-energizing! 

Why are you naked during the massage?

A tantra massage is a very intimate experience. Not so much because of your nudity or the almost-nudity during the massage, but because one of the purposes of a tantra massage is to profoundly touch the heart and go into that space where we are fully present, vulnerable, and where we find the source to love from within. For this reason, I do not keep a distance of an arm’s length. Caring, loving, and conscious touch goes far into the heart, and for this reason, I put emphasis on the touch of skin-to-skin, and heart to heart, in the massages.


It’s very difficult or impossible for me to experience orgasm.

Will I experience orgasms during a Yoni massage?


First of all, there are various reasons why someone could have difficulties achieving orgasm. There could be physical reasons such as insufficient blood supply to the sexual organs, or emotionally related reasons such as trauma stored in the genital tissues. Very often, women experience difficulties achieving orgasm because of habitual performance pressure, feeling like they ‘need’ to achieve orgasm in order to satisfy their partner. There is often a combination of various factors, and most of them will be addressed during a Tantric massage session. Because of this, there is a high probability of achieving orgasm during the Yoni Massage. If your sexual energy is very blocked, and you have difficulties achieving orgasm, you may experience orgasm in the first session, but depending on your circumstances, it may take more than one session. It’s important to note that Tantric massage is not about achieving orgasms. Tantric massage is focused on clearing blockages and bringing freedom, love, and pleasure to sexuality. Orgasms are not a goal, but they are a consequence of moving from blockage to freedom. For this reason, I will gently invite you during a Yoni Massage to forget about orgasms. 


What if it hurts during the yoni massage?

A yoni massage can help you in the process of becoming more conscious of your yoni, release tensions and free your ecstatic potential. We offer the yoni massage with the deepest respect and love for the feminine temple and it is not the purpose that a yoni massage should hurt. It happens that deep tensions and previous traumas appear during the massage, and if you feel that it hurts somewhere in your yoni during the massage please tell us, then we will together find out if it is something to be explored or if it is better just to pass on.

Don’t stay silent

Give me a little feedback and direction. Let me know if you need more pressure or if I am applying too much pressure. You won’t hurt my feelings. Let me know where your sore areas are or which areas to avoid if you have an injury. Tell me if you need a pillow or if you would like me to use essential oils. We will adjust. I try hard to make the experience exceptional. So tell me how I make you feel during the massage. It will help set a good tone for the rest of the session.


How sexual are the sessions?


There are many tantrikas or dakinis (skydancers) who become very intimate in their teachings {Red Tantra}, while I have no issue with that, I personally do not believe that it is necessary.   Tantra consists of two main components: using sexual energy to harmonize relationships and to enhance a sexual experience.

I am more than happy to teach advanced sexual practices to couples wanting to explore their sexuality through tantra if they both feel open, comfortable and natural. However, I do not physically teach advanced sexual techniques to men.

Single sessions do involve touching of the Lingam (penis) or Yoni (vagina) but it is to bring consciousness or awareness to the genitals as well as understanding how to move sexual energy through the body, not for sexual Gratification or relief.


Is there any form of sexual exchange during the massage?

No. The focus of the sessions I provide is for you to delve deeper into your own healing. This is best achieved by letting go of any expectations regarding the massage practitioner and not fixing your attention on them. During the massage, you will be asked to enter a space of receiving and to let go of any pressure to be “active”. These pressures are common in our society but here you are invited to leave them behind and simply be fully open to receiving. Through this, you will allow yourself to experience a greater depth in your treatment.


My wife/husband is very hesitant in coming to a session as s/he is very shy/nervous/worried about his/her looks/intimidated about discussing or feeling sexual with another woman in the room?


Don’t worry you’re not the only one. As I have said in the preparation for sessions this is something most people haven’t experienced and it is still relatively unknown and misunderstood. But while the sessions do involve sexuality, they are not “out there”, they are private, they are professional and they are fun!!!

I have seen it all, all shapes and sizes and I am completely sensitive to people’s fears and insecurities.

I am not a beauty queen. I encourage your partner to give me a text or email if she/he is not sure.


Am I unfaithful to my partner if I receive a tantra massage?

No. A tantra massage is a unique experience of deepening into the feeling of who you truly are and awakening your sensual and ecstatic potential. My massages have a given frame and are very professional as well as present with all my heart. There is never any sexual intercourse during any of the massages. The massages are sensual, beautiful and loving, and I have big respect for your private sphere and for my own. I am here to give inspiration, knowledge, new experiences and insight into your own potential. You will discover that a massage can greatly enrich your couple's relationship and inspire you in your everyday life for more love and intimacy.


Does tantra massage equal prostitution?

No. It is not possible to have sexual intercourse, and neither it is possible to buy extra erotic ‘services’. A tantric massage has a very clearly defined setting, which allows the guest to meet his or her true sensual and ecstatic self through touch, guidance and working with the energies.

Health Conditions I need to Know about before treatment

Please advise if you have any health issues that I need to be aware of such as breathing problems, STD/STIs, heart problems, diabetes, injuries, mental health concerns, or previous sexual trauma that needs to be discussed prior to the session.


Do you offer out-calls?

No, I do not.  I have various reasons for this.













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